Name Suggestions: Sexlexia (it's pseudolatin for "law of sex" and also a Futurama reference!); Slutology; Libertina; Seductress; V.A.S. Deference
1. Very excited about this, especially if I can get it delivered to my podcast app
2. Not at all excited about this. Evopsych is useful in very limited circumstances, and "let's all speculate about how our mating behavior evolved" is one of the *least* useful. A lot of the value from your blog comes from how data-driven it is and this is not a data-driven area, mostly consisting of guesswork and just-so stories
3. Sounds like it could be excellent or terrible, but excited to see which one!
4. Will probably be good if questions are curated well
5. So enticing!
In general, I already have far too much to read, and a blog updating regularly actually makes me less inclined to subscribe. I would focus on quality of quantity or posting on a regular schedule. The best value you can provide is by NOT giving us a bunch of churned-out content and only publishing things that you find engaging.
Name Suggestions: Sexlexia (it's pseudolatin for "law of sex" and also a Futurama reference!); Slutology; Libertina; Seductress; V.A.S. Deference
1. Very excited about this, especially if I can get it delivered to my podcast app
2. Not at all excited about this. Evopsych is useful in very limited circumstances, and "let's all speculate about how our mating behavior evolved" is one of the *least* useful. A lot of the value from your blog comes from how data-driven it is and this is not a data-driven area, mostly consisting of guesswork and just-so stories
3. Sounds like it could be excellent or terrible, but excited to see which one!
4. Will probably be good if questions are curated well
5. So enticing!
In general, I already have far too much to read, and a blog updating regularly actually makes me less inclined to subscribe. I would focus on quality of quantity or posting on a regular schedule. The best value you can provide is by NOT giving us a bunch of churned-out content and only publishing things that you find engaging.