The Good at Sex series has been doing pretty well - both in terms of viewership and feedback. I’m intending to try a few things:
Bringing on guest content from people I think have similar ‘qualifications’ to me - analytical, slutty women I trust to think clearly and nonjudgmentally about sex.
Increasing output. I can’t realistically output more than one intense, novel, deep-dive post every ~2 weeks on a long-term basis. But there’s lots of smaller things I can do in the meantime, such as answering questions, AMAs, briefer, less-filtered, brainstormy thoughts, etc.
I personally get easily bored, and thus live in mild paranoia of boring my readers. I’m afraid of putting out less-than-stellar content. I also feel tightly controlled around the types of content I produce, and historically have been extremely independent, rarely collaborating with other people.
So this is gonna be a challenge for me across a couple levels. I think it’s worth trying, and has a solid chance of being genuinely useful for you guys, but is a bit scary for me. If you think you’d like this, then your reassurance would be helpful for me.
Right now, my plan is to start more frequently publishing a few things.
Interviews with slutty, introspective women - both video/voice recordings, and transcripts. How do they agree or disagree with the current Good At Sex posts so far? What is good sex for them? Women are different, and I want to get direct reports from women across the board, straight to your ears.
Evo-psych stuff. My friend Diana Fleischman, an evolutionary psychologist and bigger slut than me, has spent many years studying female sexual psychology from a standpoint of incentives. Expect some blog posts from her!
Seduction (???) analysis videos. This one is hard to describe with words, but I’m hoping to share collaborations with Fully Known, where me and other sluts I know go through connection exercises with horny men, and then dissect it for you afterwards. I call it ‘seduction’ training, but this feels a bit like a cheap word. It’s more like, “deliberately increase sexual tension, while consciously reflecting on what that experience is like for both parties”
AMAs. Once a week, have an invisible(?) open thread where anybody can comment, and me + Diana + other Verified Analytical Sluts (tm) will answer questions.
A last, mysterious, even juicier thing I cannot talk about yet
Plus, of course, the usual 1-2x a month deep dive posts on genuinely new sexual frameworks.
So - how do you guys feel about this? Which of the items draw you in the most? Do you hate it? What do you consider the ideal posting frequency for this blog? What sort of content that I’ve already published would you like to see more of? How much do you want to see more of my usual content, as I was publishing before the good-at-sex series? Now’s the chance to get in feedback that might help steer a large ship for a while.
Also, I need help for a squad name. Verified Analytical Sluts is maybe the most accurate but doesn’t exactly flow off the tongue. I really am assembling a group of women who are quite intelligent, like and sympathize with men, and have had sex with a lot of guys, and there’s not really good vocabulary for this. Any suggestions?
And as always, thank you so much for your readership and support. I deeply appreciate it, it means a lot to me, and is the thing that keeps me writing.
Also - if you’re interested in getting casting calls for future stuff, sign up for the mailing list here
Name Suggestions: Sexlexia (it's pseudolatin for "law of sex" and also a Futurama reference!); Slutology; Libertina; Seductress; V.A.S. Deference
1. Very excited about this, especially if I can get it delivered to my podcast app
2. Not at all excited about this. Evopsych is useful in very limited circumstances, and "let's all speculate about how our mating behavior evolved" is one of the *least* useful. A lot of the value from your blog comes from how data-driven it is and this is not a data-driven area, mostly consisting of guesswork and just-so stories
3. Sounds like it could be excellent or terrible, but excited to see which one!
4. Will probably be good if questions are curated well
5. So enticing!
In general, I already have far too much to read, and a blog updating regularly actually makes me less inclined to subscribe. I would focus on quality of quantity or posting on a regular schedule. The best value you can provide is by NOT giving us a bunch of churned-out content and only publishing things that you find engaging.
I'd love to read more from Diana Fleischman.