The only thing I want to say is I wish instead of each graph being labeled from lowest to highest, that the countries stayed in one spot each graph so I could more easily compare visually how each country is doing graph to graph.

Much easier to know “UK” is spot 3 and look there right away then to look for it in each individual graph

Love your work

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This really was such a fantastic read. It was so interesting to find connections between certain topics, and especially between genders.

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Is fisting erotic?

The rest of the world: "Ew Gross".


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Would be really helpful for comparison if you were to fix some of the y axes (especially the % ones) to a set ceiling, instead of letting them jump around as the graphing defaults do.

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I originally read the (%) 0.50 for depression as 0.50%, until reading the comment. Is it intended as a ratio? As in 50%?

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I’d love to see a box and whisker plot for the data from the study - I’m super interested in the mean for each data set and I think the box and whisker plot would be so informative

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The percent graphs are a bit confusing. I assume 0.40 is 40%, not 0.4%?

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Looking at the graphs, it seems as though the women who are likely to be conservative/from conservative countries are more likely to like or atleast accomodate the desires of a shy/submissive guy.

Liberal/woke/left wing women are more hypergamous it seems.

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