I'm *very* late on this, but I'd expect the numbers from your survey data to underestimate the number of trafficking victims pretty heavily. Respondents are English speaking, and disproportionately intelligent, wealthy, and American. I don't know how to square this with the other numbers.
I'm *very* late on this, but I'd expect the numbers from your survey data to underestimate the number of trafficking victims pretty heavily. Respondents are English speaking, and disproportionately intelligent, wealthy, and American. I don't know how to square this with the other numbers.
I'm guessing that by now you've heard that "trafficking" was redefined some years ago to include all underage prostitution. Excellent "You're wrong about" podcast explaining the stats and hype about "human trafficking": https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/youre-wrong-about/id1380008439?i=1000465289965