A while back, I had men rate women’s hotness. Now it’s time for us ladies to objectify men! This one was actually much more surprising to me than the female version. With the female rating post, I felt very accurately able to predict what was hot or not; with this one, I was regularly surprised that so many women agreed with me about tastes I thought were nonstandard (and the ways in which men’s ‘male gaze’ of themselves is different from our female gaze).
I collected ~260 images of men’s faces, most of them AI generated. I tried to mostly get images of men who looked like they could be 25-40yo, but with a few outside of this. I collected the AI images from both midjourney (which looked more professional/stylized), and also ‘thisfacedoesnotexist’, which looks more like your uncle’s profile photo on facebook. I also included a few submitted by male friends who wanted to know how hot they were.
The survey was basic - you get a face, you rate it on a scale from 1-10.
Around ~100 women rated each face. These women were sourced from my audience, so probably disproportionately liberal, white, etc., and reflects the tastes of that type of woman.
I normalized the results, cause it’s hard to get an average of ‘1’ if the lowest possible ranking is 1, so by default the lowest ranking was pulled down to 1, and the highest to 10, stretching all the men evenly across this spectrum. I’m also rounding down the top ‘hottest’ (of which there were few) into a 9, keeping in line with the classic tradition of “there are no absolute 10s, a 10 is individualized, in the eye of the beholder”.
I’m also excluding images that women most disagreed about, so all the ones you’re seeing are - at least roughly - ones that women agreed with each other belonged in that ranking.
So: Here’s the official How Attractive Is This Guy rankings, by women’s opinions only:
In keeping with 4chan tradition, there are no automatic 10’s; someone from the 9 category might become a 10 for you, if they meet a specific niche you like a whole lot.
The above are normalized - but what if we look at raw ratings?
The highest rating women assigned any given photo was 7.8/10, and it was this guy:
By contrast, the highest score men assigned women was 8.4 (and it was this girl)
I tried to google ‘world’s most beautiful man’ to pull out some universally-agreed-upon hot man. When I did this for women it was pretty easy - there was a whole gaggle of supermodels I’d never heard of before. But when I did this for men, all the recommendations were for very well known guys who might not be supermodel-hot, but had a lot of personality, like Ryan Reynolds. I didn’t feel that this was a fair comparison, because if raters were already familiar with the face it might skew their ratings, and also it’s a good example of a man’s personality affecting how hot women view him (in a way that women’s personality does not affect how hot men view women).
So I looked for “widely-agreed-to-be-super-hot” men from decades ago, and got this dude from the 1960's:
Women rated him a 6.6/10
Did I accidentally pull more unattractive men than I pulled women? It’s possible that AI datasets skew much more strongly towards hot women than they do to hot men, and so the actual distribution of photos I gave to both genders were different.
But idk. The graph of men rating women’s photos looked like this:
Men do rate women’s appearances as hotter than women rate men’s, and assuming my photos weren’t totally whack, this does seem replicated in my data.
I don’t think this is particularly unflattering though - I think women find it real hard to be attracted to a man without more information about his personality and behavior, while a woman’s appearance can shoot a man’s interest straight to the top no matter how many of his car doors she might key.
And for fun, here’s the most exactly 5/10 rating photo, for both normalized and not ratings:
A few more things to go over:
The faces men think are hot but women think are ugly, and the faces women think are hot but men think are ugly (basically: how are men failing to predict women’s hotness detectors?)
Which photos caused the most disagreement in ratings among women (which uhh kind of has an obvious trend to it, see if you can predict it before you scroll)
A list of the 25 hottest man photos, ranked by hotness