Erotic emotions: survey results
Which emotions do people find the most erotic in sexual contexts?
I asked people “scenarios you find erotic involve others/yourself feeling ___” and had them select the emotions they were into. Sample size was around 18k men and 5k women when I put this graphic together (though is now ~20k men and ~5.6k women).
Here’s the results!
(survey design methodology here)
In the interests of keeping my very long survey short, I structured this question by asking people to check all of the following emotions they were into. After they did this, a second question presented the emotions they’d checked, and then asked them to select the single option that was their most favorite.
This means the highest possible score is 2, if everyone picked one specific emotion as their favorite. In practice, the highest score was around 1.2
It looks like the genders mostly agree on everything, with the exception of power dynamics. Not a surprise, and lines up very consistently with all my other findings!
For the total raw numbers, spreadsheet is here (note different category tabs at bottom)